of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. BIOSCIENCE Series2024-11-01T15:32:13+00:00Open Journal Systems<div class="container"> <section class="post-content-area"> <div class="container"> <p><strong>Зарегистрирован</strong> Министерством информации и коммуникаций Республики Казахстан. Регистрационное свидетельство №16998–Ж от 27.03.2018 г.</p> <p><strong>Цель: </strong>Публикация тщательно отобранных оригинальных научных работ по направлениям биохимия, молекулярная биология, биотехнология, биоинформатика, вирусология, биофизика, биоинженерия, физиология, ботаника, зоология, эволюционная биология, генетика, микробиология, биомедицина.</p> <p><strong>Языки публикаций: </strong>Русский, английский</p> <p><strong>Периодичность:</strong> 4 раза в год</p> <p><strong>Территория распространения: </strong>Республика Казахстан, ближнее и дальнее зарубежье.</p> <p><strong>Ж</strong><strong>урнал включен</strong> в <a href="">каталог</a> Национальной академической библиотеки Республики Казахстан</p> <p><strong>Подписной индекс:</strong> 76094 (Каталог АО "Казпочта" на 2021 год: <a href="">Журналы ЕНУ</a><span class="redactor-invisible-space">)</span></p> </div> </section> </div> analysis of the spread of cattle viral diarrhea in Kazakhstan2024-02-16T06:26:53+00:00S.A. Kankan.soofiya@gmail.comA.V. Zhigailovandrzhig@gmail.comA.V. Lushovaanzhelika.lushova@gmail.comE.O. Ostapchukkatyostapchuk@gmail.comY.V. Perfilievaulya2005@mail.ruS. Kuatbekovakuatbek9205@gmail.comN. Abdollanurshat777@mail.ruA.V. Kuliginkuligin.artyoom@gmail.comS.A. Mashzhanaj.akzhigit@gmail.comS.M.<p>Bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) is the most common infectious disease of cattle and is registered in many countries of the world. The disease causes significant economic damage to livestock, primarily due to a decrease in the reproductive capacity of infected animals. Infection of cattle during pregnancy results in transmission of the infection to the fetus, which can lead to embryonic death or the birth of persistently infected (PI) calves. PI-animals excrete BVDV in their feces and secretions throughout their lives, which is why they are the main pathway of transmission of the virus. Moreover, acute BVDV infection leads to transient viremia and immunosuppression, resulting in an increase in secondary infections. In recent years, outbreaks of BVD cattle have been reported in several regions of Russia and China bordering Kazakhstan, indicating a high risk of introducing the infection into the country. Although Kazakhstan is officially considered free from BVD cattle, there is ample evidence that this infection is present in many regions of the country. However, the lack of a clear understanding of the epizootic situation in the country in terms of BVD cattle does not allow the full use of effective control measures, such as total vaccination of livestock in regions at risk of infection. This article provides data on the epizootic situation in Kazakhstan on BVD cattle, as well as an epidemiological analysis of the risks of the spread of BVD cattle in the country.</p>2024-09-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BULLETIN of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. BIOSCIENCE Series transformation of the vegetation cover of the Irtysh River floodplain2024-06-10T05:41:46+00:00V.A.<p>The article considers the current state of the vegetation cover of the Irtysh River floodplain within its flat steppe section (Pavlodar Priirtyshye) under the conditions of anthropogenic transformation of the hydrological regime. A description of the landscape confinement of the main classes of floodplain vegetation formations is given. The main factors of anthropogenic impact on the vegetation cover in the form of grazing, recreation, haymaking, fires, littering with solid household waste, etc. Criteria and indicators of disturbance are developed. A description of the botanical biodiversity with an analysis of the economic spectrum of the flora (forage, medicinal, food, honey plants, poisonous, ornamental, technical plant species) is provided. The territory's flora contains 9 species listed in the Red Book, however, during the field survey, only Stipa pennata L. was noted. The eight main threats to botanical biodiversity are described: changes in the hydrological regime of the river; cattle grazing on the floodplain meadows; spring burning of dry grass; grazing and watering of cattle on the river bank; creation dams; illegal collection of ornamental red-listed plants; plowing of steppe landscapes on floodplain terraces; anthropogenic invasion of alien flora. Based on the analysis of geobotanical descriptions, phytoindicators of environmental conditions (moisture, salinization, chemical and mechanical composition of the soil, grazing load, etc.) for this region were identified. Recommendations are proposed to reduce the negative anthropogenic impact, preserve species and coenotic biodiversity, and methods for restoring disturbed areas in the context of climate change and modern transboundary use of the Irtysh River.</p>2024-09-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BULLETIN of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. BIOSCIENCE Series relationship of arboreal hemipterans (Hemiptera, Heteroptera) in South-Eastern Kazakhstan2024-05-16T04:28:59+00:00Kh.G. Korganbeknazar.korganb9912@mail.ruP.A.<p>Arboreal hemiptera are part of the living world, occupying a special place in natural food chain and contacts with many living organisms. As a result of the study of arboreal hemipterans of South-Eastern Kazakhstan, the nutritional relationship of 44 species belonging to 7 families was revealed. As a result of the review of the literature, the biological significance of the trophic relationship of arboreal hemiptera and their role in ecology was determined. In addition, there is a description of the habitat area of them, and the number of generations they produce per year. The purpose of the research is to study the trophic relationships of arboreal hemipterans in South-Eastern Kazakhstan. This research was conducted according to various methods in the field of entomology. 4 species from the family Anthocoridae, 20 species from the family Miridae, 4 species from the family Aradidae, 4 species from the family Lygaeidae, 2 species from the family Coreidae, 3 species from the family Acanthosomatidae and 7 species from the family Pentatomidae have been identified. Among them, 7 species are zoophages, 11 species are zoophytophages, 4 species are mycetophages, 22 species are phytophages (narrow oligophytophages - 6, wide oligophytophages - 7, polyphytophages - 9). The results of the research allow to distinguish useful or harmful species of arboreal hemipterans.</p>2024-09-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BULLETIN of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. BIOSCIENCE Series problem of antibiotic-resistant strains and its solution 2024-07-04T10:21:56+00:00S.S. Anuarbekovasanuarbekova@rambler.ruI.K. Tynybayeva<p>Antibiotic resistance is a global health problem around the world and is a type of antimicrobial resistance. Solving it requires concerted efforts on a global scale. The main antibiotic-resistant microorganisms are <em>Enterococcus </em><em>spp</em><em>., Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumonia, Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, </em><em>Helicobacter pylori</em><em>.</em> Many countries have programs aimed at preventing the development of antibiotic resistance, as well as stimulating the development of new drugs with antimicrobial activity. Many scientific works are devoted to this topic. The rational use of available antimicrobial drugs, considering the spectrum of their activity and the antibiotic resistance profile of the main pathogens, is becoming increasingly necessary. The purpose of this study was to examine interventions aimed at combating the growing antibiotic resistance in the world. The basic principles of the development of these problems and mechanisms of antibiotic resistance are shown. The mechanism is mainly associated with the evolution of microorganisms of a phenotypic and genetic nature. An analysis of antibiotic-resistant strains was carried out, their characteristics were given, and methods for studying antibiotic resistance to antibacterial drugs were reflected. The diffusion method and the dilution method for assessing sensitivity are described. The problem of antibiotic resistance has been confirmed by many studies in various departments, especially surgical ones and in intensive care units. In Kazakhstan, the main antibiotic-resistant pathogens are considered <em>Acinetobacter </em>spp., <em>Enterococcus </em>spp<em>., </em><em>Haemophilus influenza</em>, <em>Pseudomonas </em>spp., streptococci, staphylococci and enterobacteriae. The main measures to prevent this problem are control over the use of antibiotics, the development of new drugs, namely new antibiotics and bacterial lysates based on thtse microorganisms.</p>2024-09-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BULLETIN of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. BIOSCIENCE Series use of the species composition of the soil mesofauna in the diagnosis of anthropogenic contaminated biogeocenoses2024-04-05T10:45:50+00:00G.<p>Soil invertebrates are an important driving force behind many basic soil processes, such as the formation of soil aggregates, water retention, and absorption of organic matter. Earthworms, being permanent inhabitants of the soil, play the role of an indicator transmitting information about the state of this environment. In this work, anthropogenic pollution of urban and suburban biogeocenoses was revealed by studying the species composition and abundance of lumbricides. Soil samples were taken from 8 sites in Almaty and the region, physico-chemical parameters were studied. In background and slightly polluted biogeocenoses, the number of earthworms averages 64.6%, and in polluted regions 55.2%. When determining the content of toxic elements in urban and background (natural) biocenoses, four main elements were identified that affect the species and quantitative composition of the mesofauna: lead, cadmium, arsenic and mercury. The maximum content of cadmium and arsenic is observed in soils near oil depots: the cadmium content was 0.25±0.0024 mg/kg, and the arsenic content was 2.84±0.05 mg/kg. And in the soil near the thermal power plant of the Algabas microdistrict of the Alatau district, the maximum content of lead and mercury was recorded, which reached 16±0.70 mg/kg and 0.048±0.012 mg/kg, respectively.</p>2024-09-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BULLETIN of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. BIOSCIENCE Series of nitrogen removing microorganisms in different types of soils in the North Kazakhstan region2024-07-23T12:33:08+00:00A.N. Konkybaevaadina.kon@mail.ruA.P. Nauanova<p>The use of biopreparations based on soil microorganisms to improve soil fertility, crop productivity and reduce the spread of fungal diseases of grain crops is one of the promising and environmentally friendly directions. This, in turn, requires comprehensive work on the creation, evaluation and introduction of highly effective Kazakhstani biological preparations. The article presents data on the distribution of nitrogen-fixing bacteria and actinomycetes on different types of soils in Northern Kazakhstan, identified by sowing soil suspensions by serial dilutions. More than 100 new strains of nitrogen-fixing bacteria and actinomycetes were isolated on solid selective nutrient media. In order to create a biofertiliser, the pathogenicity and growth intensity of new nitrogen-fixing bacteria and actinomycetes were studied, and their cultural and morphological characteristics were described. The 30 most active strains such as №21S, №19S, №31S, №91S, №3S, №56S, №51S, №62S, №55S, №70S, №53S, №20S, №2S, №81S, №7S, №54S, №57S, №35S, №84S, №22S, №9S, №12S, №8S, №10S, №69S, №52S, №49S, №11S, №6S, №59S, which will be used to make biologics. In the future, these strains will be studied for their growth-stimulating, fungicidal properties, etc., and will also be used in the development of microbiological technology for the production of biological preparations based on nitrogen-fixing and actinomycetes capable of increasing productivity.</p>2024-09-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BULLETIN of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. BIOSCIENCE Series mechanisms of resistance of Bacteroides fragilis bacteria to carbapenem2024-07-23T05:34:10+00:00D.S. Bayanbekaubakirova.dina@mail.ruE.V Zholdybaevazholdybaeva@biocenter.kzO.Z.<p>Carbapenems are generally the most successful group of antibacterial drugs due to the combination of a wide spectrum of activity, rapid bactericidal effect, greater potential for the selection of resistant strains and resistance compared to other classes of antibacterial drugs. Carbapenems are potent antimicrobial agents that effective against a wide range of bacteria, including both gram-positive and gram-negative types. <em>Bacteroides fragilis</em> is one of the important and frequently isolated bacteria in clinical laboratories for mono- and polymicrobial infections. <em>Bacteroides fragilis</em> is also resistant to macrolides, beta-lactams, metronidazole, and some newer fluoroquinolones. Carbapenem resistance is considered a rapidly growing problem due to overuse of the drug in therapy. Molecular mechanisms of carbapenem resistance in bacteria involve several factors. The first mechanism is associated with the development of multidrug resistance in microorganisms through the export of drugs via efflux systems. This process enables bacteria to avoid the negative effects of antibiotics. The second mechanism involves the synthesis of beta-lactamases, which is a key factor in the resistance of Bacteroides fragilis to beta-lactam compounds, including carbapenems. These enzymes are capable of hydrolyzing the beta-lactam ring of antibiotics, rendering them inactive. The third mechanism involves changes in the structure of penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs), which are the target sites for carbapenems. Mutations in genes encoding PBPs can lead to decreased affinity of carbapenems to these proteins, making them less sensitive to the antibiotic. The <em>cfiA</em> gene plays an important role in carbapenem resistance, especially in <em>B. fragilis</em>. It encodes a protein that confers resistance to carbapenems and other beta-lactam antibiotics. This gene can be horizontally transferred between different bacteria, increasing the risk of resistance spreading. Understanding the mechanism of antimicrobial resistance is important to avoid pitfalls when selecting alternative antimicrobials for the treatment and prevention of severe infections. This article examines several mechanisms that influence the resistance of <em>B. fragilis</em> strains to carbapenems.</p>2024-09-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BULLETIN of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. BIOSCIENCE Series of exam stress on the level of anxiety and respiratory indicators of the body of students with different somatotypes2024-06-17T10:00:56+00:00A.E. Suleimenovaainashsuleimenova2@gmail.comR.K Tatayevaainash2@yandex.kzN.В. Isaevai.n.nazym@mail.ruA.<p> </p> <p>The article studied the level of situational and personal anxiety of students with different somatotypes, as well as external indicators of breathing: respiratory rate (RR), tidal volume at rest (TVR), vital capacity (VC), inspiratory reserve volume (IRV), expiratory reserve volume (ERV) under exam stress.</p> <p>Currently, the health of students requires a lot of attention, because students are one of the representative groups of the population of our country. The health of the younger generation is formed under the influence of biological and social factors. The ability to maintain the resistance of one’s body to exogenous factors and to adapt to changing environmental conditions depends on the state of physical development of students, the functioning of organs and systems. Adaptation to a complex of factors characteristic of higher education in a modern pedagogical environment is a complex and multi-level socio-psycho-physiological process, accompanied by significant tension in the body’s compensatory systems.</p> <p>Anxiety is a mental state of a person associated with increased emotional or physical stress, a tendency to experience anxiety and fear in specific social situations. The relevance of studying the factors of anxiety and emotional stability (tolerance) is determined, first of all, by the extremity and dynamics of the subject’s current life, which leads him to stress, chronic psycho-emotional tension and fear in space and time.</p> <p>Homeostasis of the respiratory system is a prerequisite for its normal functioning and is ensured by a number of physiological mechanisms, among which the conditioning function of the lungs occupies a particularly important place. The change in temperature and humidity of inhaled air to the state of the body is carried out due to complex processes of heat and mass transfer in the respiratory tract. Many aspects of this process in normal conditions and especially in pathologies of the respiratory system are controversial issues.</p> <p>Our study showed a decrease in the adaptive and physical abilities of first-year students with different somatotypes to learning conditions, and changes in physiological indicators after exam stress.</p> <p>During the study, first-year students with an asthenic somatotype had very high levels of personal and situational anxiety; this increase in anxiety indicates insufficient emotional adaptation to an extreme situation. A high level of anxiety threatens a person’s mental health and contributes to the development of neurotic conditions. A high level of constant anxiety is considered as a condition leading to the development of psychosomatic pathology.</p> <p>The article examines the indicators of the respiratory system in first-year students during the exam: in comparison with hypersthenic students and asthenic students, normosthenic students have significantly increased hemodynamic indicators, which indicates the influence of exam stress on a significant increase in respiratory rate, which is a large factor. Degree is related to the volume of breathing and, to a lesser extent, to the breathing frequency of the subjects.</p>2024-09-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BULLETIN of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. BIOSCIENCE Series The Role of Mitochondrial miRNAs in Regulating Radiation-Induced Cellular Senescence2024-08-21T09:40:26+00:00M.A. Ibragimovamilanaibragimova2602@yandex.ruA.A. Kussainovaassya.kussainova@gmail.comA.A. Aripovaaripova001@gmail.comR.I. Bersimbaevribers@mail.ruO.V.<p style="font-weight: 400;">The problem of human exposure to ionizing radiation has attracted increasing attention in various scientific fields. Recently, a substantial amount of data has been collected on the age-related risks associated with radiation exposure, which has enabled researchers to uncover the relationship between ionizing radiation and cellular senescence. This has led to the search for cellular targets of radiation, with mitochondria being one of the identified targets. Ionizing radiation causes mitochondrial dysfunction and the emergence of a characteristic age-related phenotype in cells, including increased ROS production, SASP development, changes in the epigenetic profile, and genomic instability. Mitochondrial dysfunction is often underestimated as a crucial hallmark of cellular senescence, and its underlying mechanisms are extensive and complex. In particular, mitochondrial miRNAs (mitomiRs) that regulate mitochondrial gene expression, and consequently, the function and dynamics of the organelles themselves, are of particular interest. Considering that mitomiRs are highly sensitive to even minor disturbances arising from irradiation, resulting in significant changes in their expression, they may serve as promising biomarkers of radiation exposure. In this review, we examine the evidence supporting the key role of mitomiRs in radiation-induced cellular senescence and integrate the latest knowledge on the underlying molecular mechanisms of this interaction.</p>2024-09-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BULLETIN of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. BIOSCIENCE Series anatomy of the vegetative organs from two species of the genus Ruscus L.2024-11-01T15:32:13+00:00C. Timucirinagostin@yahoo.comI.N.<p style="font-weight: 400;">In this paper, the anatomy of normal and metamorphosed stems from two species of the <em>Ruscus</em>genus (<em>R. hypoglossum</em> L. and <em>R.</em> <em>aculeatus</em> L.) were analyzed using light microscopy. The structural characteristics of the two species were presented, with emphasis on the adaptations they present to environmental conditions. The normal strain from the species <em>R. hypoglossum</em> shows a greater amount of sclerenchyma fibers in the central cylinder compared to <em>R. aculeatus</em>; vascular bundles are more numerous in R. <em>aculeatus</em>, but smaller, with few elements of sclerenchyma, especially near the phloem. The metamorphosed stem (phyllocladia) shows a similar structural plan to the two species, with assimilating tissue under the epidermis and colorless tissue in the central part. The number of vascular bundles differs, they being more numerous, arranged in a circle, in R. <em>hypoglossum</em>. The anatomical peculiarities of the investigated species help us to understand their adaptation to the living environment, and also can help to identify the species when we only have fragments of the plant's body.</p>2024-09-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BULLETIN of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. BIOSCIENCE Series