Micronucleus test and assessment of changes in peripheral blood erythrocytes of dominant animal species in the Turkestan region

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  • А.M. Ganina Astana Medical University
  • M.M. Bakhtin Astana Medical University
  • Y.T. Kashkinbayev Astana Medical University
  • P.K. Kazymbet Astana Medical University
  • M.N. Aumalikova Astana Medical University
  • Zh.S. Uvataeva JSC National Scientific Medical Center


micronucleus test, erythrocytes, technogenic factors, monitoring, biota


The article presents the results of a study of peripheral blood erythrocytes of dominant animal species in the Turkestan region. The relevance of this work is due to the construction of a nuclear power plant on the territory of Uzbekistan (Jizzakh region, Lake Tuzkan), since the areas of the Turkestan region fall under the potential influence of nuclear power plants and biota objects require monitoring at the ‘zero stage’ before the construction of a nuclear power plant. The data obtained are of great importance in assessing the impact of technogenic factors on biota. Given the location of uranium deposits in the Turkestan region, the uranium content was determined in samples (bones, soft tissues) of amphibians and fish. It has been established that the concentration of uranium in samples of biological objects is within the normal range. We have carried out work on the analysis of erythrocytes and micronuclei in the following biota representatives: desert lacerta (lat. Eremias intermedia), yellow ground squirrel (lat. Spermophilus or Citellus), lake frog (lat. Pelophylax ridibundus), rudd (lat. Redd pisces), snakehead (lat. Channa argus). According to the results of studies in the desert lacerta (lat. Eremias intermedia) and lake frog (lat. Pelophylax ridibundus), various pathological conditions of erythrocytes and micronuclei were observed in 11% of the total number of blood products studied.




How to Cite

Ganina А., Bakhtin, M., Kashkinbayev, Y., Kazymbet, P., Aumalikova, M., & Uvataeva, Z. (2023). Micronucleus test and assessment of changes in peripheral blood erythrocytes of dominant animal species in the Turkestan region. BULLETIN of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. BIOSCIENCE Series, 143(2), 91–101. Retrieved from https://bulbio.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/411


