Guidelines for authors
The editors ask authors to carefully read the rules (Editorial Policy of the journal, containing general information about the journal, the procedure for reviewing articles, recommendations for authors, publication ethics) and follow them when submitting articles to the journal.
The journal "Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Bioscience series" publishes the results of completed original research, theoretical and review articles in various fields of modern biology. The journal publishes review articles on the most pressing issues of biological and biomedical sciences ordered by the editorial board (or proposed by the authors and approved by the editorial board). The authors of the review article must have their own published works on the proposed topic. The list of cited literature must include works published on this topic over the past 5-10 years.
All articles are accepted in three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English, they must not have been previously published in print and/or electronic form.
All manuscripts submitted to the editorial board of the journal "Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Bioscience series" undergo mandatory double "blind" review. Based on the reviews received, the editorial board of the journal makes a final decision.
In one issue of the journal, the author may publish no more than one article, including co-authorship.
Only manuscripts that have at least 70% originality after checking through the anti-plagiarism system are sent for further review.
The decision to publish articles is made by the editorial board of the journal after reviewing, taking into account the scientific significance and relevance of the submitted materials. Articles rejected by the editorial board are not accepted or reviewed again.
Articles must be accompanied by a referral from the scientific institution where the work was carried out.
When preparing articles for publication in the journal "Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Bioscience series", it is necessary to strictly adhere to the structure of the scientific article and be guided by the rules of design.
Article formatting parameters: page – A4, portrait orientation, justified alignment, margins on all sides – 20 mm. Font: Times New Roman, size (font) – 14, line spacing 1, indent – 1.0 cm. Continuous line numbering. The article should not exceed 20 pages.
The text of the article should be presented as concisely as possible and carefully edited, but without compromising its understanding and reproduction of the results.
Structure of the manuscript
The structure of a scientific article includes IMRAD (for original articles), title, abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, funding information (if any), and reference list. The manuscript should be structured as follows:
- Article type
- Article Title
- Full name of the author(s) ( ORCID)
- Place of work of the author(s), city, country, e-mail
- Abstract
- Keywords
- Introduction
- Materials and research methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusion
- Author contributions
- Funding
- Conflict of interest
- Compliance with ethical standards
- References
- Information about the authors.
Requirements for the content of article sections
The IRSTI (Interstate Rubricator of Scientific and Technical Information) for your topic can be determined on the website It is indicated in the upper left corner of the manuscript. Left alignment, font size – 14. The style file can be downloaded from the journal website
Article type. The article type is indicated immediately under the IRSTI (review or scientific article).
Title of the article . After the IRSTI, the title of the article is written in the center in a line, bold, straight, font size – 14.
Author(s). Initials and surnames of the author(s), centered, bold font, font size –14. Be sure to ( ) add a click on ORCID.
Place of work of the author(s), city, country, e-mail. The full name of the organization (abbreviations are not allowed) , city, country (if the authors work in different organizations, it is necessary to put the same icon next to the author's surname and the corresponding organization); E-mail of the author(s) - in brackets, italics (* - the author is indicated for correspondence). Center alignment, font size - 14, italics .
The Abstract should contain no more than 250 words and be presented in one paragraph. The abstract should be a summary of the article, reflecting its features and preserving the structure of the article, concisely and describing the main specific results of the work and the conclusions arising from them — alignment - by width, font size - 14.
Key words (Key words) include 5-7 words and/or phrases. They should reflect the article's main content and define the study's subject area as it appears in the text. Keywords are separated from each other by a comma; there is no period in the end - alignment by width, font size 14.
The main part contains the following parts according to the structure of the IMRAD article: (introduction (statement of the problem, goals, history), research methods, discussions/results, conclusion), (written from a paragraph, highlighted in bold):
Introduction. This section briefly outlines the issue's history, with mandatory consideration of works in which similar or related studies have already been conducted. It also formulates the purpose of the study.
The main requirement for the presentation of research materials and methods is that the procedures should be described as briefly as possible, but the description should allow the experiments to be reproduced. Only new methods should be described in detail; previously published and well-known ones should be referred to in the list of references, indicating the author and/or the method name. Experimental articles should contain statistical processing methods.
The results should contain a brief description of the experimental data obtained (tables and figures are numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals and included directly in the text of the article, they should have a sequential number and title, accompanied by a reference to them in the text of the article. Figures and graphs should be presented in standard formats: PS, PDF, TIFF, GIF, JPEG, BMP, and PCX. Bitmaps should be made with a resolution of 600 dpi. All details should be clearly shown in the figures. This section should not include a discussion of the results; it is possible to limit yourself to an explanation of the cause-and-effect relationships between the experiments described.
The discussion should contain an interpretation of the results (but not their repetition) and a comparison with previously published data. At the end of the section, it is recommended to formulate the main conclusion containing the answer to the question posed in the introductory part of the article.
If necessary, the manuscript ends with a conclusion.
Authors' Contributions. Each author's contribution (in the form of first and last name initials) to the work and preparation of the manuscript should be described (section "Authors' Contributions"). For example: A.B. – concept and supervision of the work; V.G. – conducting the experiments; V.D. – discussion of the research results; E.Zh. – writing the text; A.B. and E.Zh. – editing the text of the article.
Funding. If the work was carried out with the support of any organization, in the "Funding" section you should indicate which foundation and grant supported this research, indicating the grant number.
Acknowledgments. In the “Acknowledgments” section, at the authors’ request, information about any assistance in carrying out the work and preparing the article is provided.
Conflict of Interest. In the section "Conflict of Interest", authors declare the presence or absence of a conflict of interest in the financial or any other area. This section is mandatory.
Compliance with ethical standards. The section "Compliance with ethical standards" is also mandatory . If the studies were conducted on animals, this section states: "All procedures performed in studies involving animals complied with the ethical standards of the institution where the studies were conducted and the approved legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan and international organizations." If the studies involved people, the section “Compliance with Ethical Standards” states: “All procedures performed in studies involving people correspond to the ethical standards of the national research ethics committee and to the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. Informed voluntary consent was obtained from each participant included in the study.” If the articles do not contain any studies involving people or using animals and performed by any of the authors, the section “Compliance with Ethical Standards” states: “This article does not contain any studies involving people or using animals as objects performed by the authors.”
References. All articles, publications and materials submitted for publication in the journal must be accompanied by a list of references, formatted in accordance with the journal's requirements (Vancouver style) .
The list of references should contain at least 30 references, but should contain references to all fundamentally important recent publications on the given issue. List of references is numbered in order In-text references. The reference should contain only those sources that are referenced in the text of the article. Punctuation marks, spaces, upper and lower case letters must be observed. Reference numbers should be enclosed in square brackets [ ]; for example, [1], [3-6] or [1,3]. References to unpublished articles, the results of which are used in proofreading, are not accepted. For authors using EndNote, Reference Manager or Zotero, it is recommended to use Vancouver style. In addition, the DOI of the article must be indicated. There is no period at the end after the DOI.
Below is an example of the formatting of links to scientific journals, monographs, collections, dissertations and electronic resources (programs/databases):
- Smith J. Biochemistry of Fish. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2020. – Books, one author.
- Brown K, White P, Green R. Advanced Drug Discovery: Methods and Applications. London: Springer; 2018. – Books, several authors.
- Jones M. Enzyme kinetics in drug metabolism. In: Black P, editor. Handbook of Pharmacokinetics. New York: Academic Press; 2015. p. 45-67. – Books, book chapter.
- Johnson TR. The role of protein interactions in neuropharmacology. J Neurochem. 2021;150(4) – Articles in journals, one author.
- Lee A, Kim B, Patel R. Novel insights into blood-brain barrier permeability. Pharmacol Res. 2019; – Articles in journals, several authors.
- Wong J, Smith L, Cooper R, et al. Macromolecular transport across cellular membranes. Mol Biol Cell. 2020;31(5):1123-35. – Journal articles with six or more authors (after three we indicate “et al.”).
- World Health Organization. Global health estimates 2023 [Internet]. Geneva: WHO; 2023 [cited 2025 Feb 10]. Available from: - Electronic sources, website.
- Müller T. Biochemical pathways in neurodegenerative diseases [dissertation]. Munich: Ludwig Maximilian University; 2017. – dissertations and theses.
After the main text of the article and the list of references, an abstract is given in Kazakh and English (if the article is in Kazakh, then the abstracts are in Russian and English; if the article is in English, then the abstracts are in Kazakh and Russian), which is an authentic translation of the title of the article, the initials and surnames of the authors in English transcription, the names of institutions with indexes, the names of cities and countries, the text of the abstract and keywords.
Bibliography in transliteration. If the bibliography contains works presented in Cyrillic, it is necessary to provide the bibliography in two versions: the first – in the original, the second – in the Romanized alphabet (transliteration). This section is mandatory. To transliterate Russian text into Latin, you can use the free online program This online platform does not transliterate individual letters of the Kazakh alphabet. Authors should make corrections here after transliterating the Kazakh text, according to the following rules:
ә |
ғ |
ң |
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қ |
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- Akhmetzhanova SB. Higher education in Kazakhstan: problems and development prospects. BULLETIN of the LN Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Chemistry. Geography. Ecology Series. 2016;(5):10-18. org/10xxxxxxxxxxxxx [in Russian] – In the absence of an official translation article titles and the presence of an official translation of the journal's title
- Tokaev KZ. Ezhegodnaja avgustovskaja konferencija s uchastiem glavy gosudarstva [Annual August conference with the participation of the head of state]. kz [Internet]. 2019 Aug 16 [cited 2023 Jul 25]. Available from: [in Russian] – In the absence of an official translation article titles
- Cinidu M, Gerojannis V, Ficilis P. Assessing the factors determining the quality of higher education: an empirical study]. Quality Assurance in Education. 2010;18(3):227-44. org/10xxxxxxxxxxxxx [in Russian] – In the absence of an official translation article titles and the name of the journal
- Grekov B. History and cinema . Soviet historical film . Moscow: Goskinoizdat; 1939. [in Russian] - In the absence of an official translation book titles
- Timiryazev KA, The Life of a Plant. Moscow: Izd. AL Vasilyeva. 1936. [in Russian] – If there is an official translation of the book title
- Romashova MV. An exception to the rule: Soviet orphanages in the post-war decade. In: Astafyev Readings: Conference "Time of the Merry Soldier": Values of Post-War Society and Their Understanding in Contemporary Russia. Perm ; 2009. p. 108-16 . org/10xxxxxxxxxxxxx [in Russian] - In the absence of an official translation article titlesand the presence of an official translation of the conference title
- Romashova MV. Sovetskoe childhood v 1945-seredine 1950s gg.: Osobye proekty i provincial'nye praktiki: na materialah Molotovskoj oblasti [Soviet childhood in 1945-mid-1950s: Special projects and provincial practices: based on materials from the Molotov region]. [dissertation]. Perm'; 2006. [in Russian] – In the absence of an official translationdissertation titles
Then, it is necessary to provide "information about the authors" in 3 languages. In "information about the authors", indicate all the data - full name - author for correspondence, academic degree, specialty, position, organization, address, zip code, city, country, ORCID - in full.
The manuscript submitted by the author is sent to the editorial board of the journal (two versions of the manuscript, one of which should not contain information about the authors (full name, place of work, information about the authors). Together with the manuscript, the author(s) send(s) to the editorial board of the journal a cover letter (see cover letter template) about the autonomous nature of the submitted manuscript, consent to check the article for plagiarism, inclusion in various databases and information systems, including full-text versions, in case of publication and granting exclusive rights to the publisher. The manuscript is checked for compliance with the thematic focus of the journal, as well as for compliance with formal and technical requirements.
The manuscript is then checked for originality using the plagiarism check system. Based on the results of the automatic plagiarism check, a full electronic report on the check is posted. Articles that do not receive a satisfactory result (the threshold percentage of article originality is 70%) are not accepted for further consideration, and the corresponding author is sent a corresponding notification.
The manuscript is then sent for review, which is carried out confidentially through the journal's electronic platform without specifying information about the authors. Articles are reviewed by members of the editorial board, as well as invited reviewers - leading experts in the relevant field in Kazakhstan and other countries. Reviewers are required to provide a clear, objective and reasoned assessment of the manuscript's compliance with the main scientific criteria, as well as its quality and significance. The journal uses "double-blind" review, carried out by at least two scientists who have academic degrees of candidate of sciences, doctor of sciences, doctor of philosophy (PhD) and scientific specialization on the topic of the manuscript being reviewed. The review period by reviewers is 20 days, but at the request of the reviewer it can be extended. The reviewer has the right to refuse the review in the event of an obvious conflict of interest that affects the perception and interpretation of the manuscript materials.
A manuscript that has received a negative review from an independent reviewer is rejected by the editorial board. An article that needs revision is sent to the authors with the reviewers' comments. The authors must take into account all the comments made during the review process. All changes made must be highlighted in yellow and an additional author's response with comments to the review must be attached (as a separate file). Revision of an article should not take more than one month from the moment an email is sent to the authors about the need to make changes. The article revised by the author is re-sent for re-review. If the authors refuse to revise the materials, they must notify the editors in writing of their refusal to publish the article. If the authors do not return the revised version of the manuscript within 1 month from the date of receipt of the reviewer's comments, the editors will remove it from the register. In such situations, the authors are sent a corresponding notification about the manuscript being removed from the register due to the expiration of the period allotted for revision.
Manuscripts that have positive opinions from two reviewers and the Editor-in-Chief are recommended for publication. If one of the reviewers has given a positive opinion on the manuscript, and the second one has given a negative opinion, the manuscript is sent by the Editor-in-Chief to a third reviewer or a member of the editorial board who is an expert in the subject of the manuscript. If a positive opinion is received by the third reviewer or a member of the editorial board, the final decision on accepting/rejecting the manuscript for publication is made by the Editor-in-Chief. Manuscripts approved by the editorial board are submitted to form an issue of the journal. If the author and reviewers have irresolvable disagreements regarding the manuscript, the editorial board has the right to send the manuscript for additional review.
In conflict situations, the decision is made by the editor-in-chief at a meeting of the editorial board in accordance with the recommendations of the reviewers. An article that is not recommended for publication and re-examination by the decision of the editorial board is not accepted. A message about the refusal to publish is sent to the author by e-mail.
After the editorial board of the journal has made a decision to accept an article for publication, the editors inform the author of this and indicate the publication dates.
A positive review is not sufficient grounds for publishing an article. The final decision on publication is made by the editorial board. In conflict situations, the decision is made by the editor-in-chief.
The original reviews are kept by the editorial office of the journal for 5 years.