Phytoexamination of spring wheat seeds as a factor of optimization of sowing process in the conditions of the Pavlodar region
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phytoexamination, spring wheat, germination, sowing qualities, pathogenAbstract
Wheat seeds provide a favorable environment for pathogenic microflora, which leads to a decrease in seed viability and the release of various mycotoxins that seriously affect plant growth and development. The initial growth of spring wheat seeds and the phytopathogenic load were studied as indicators of phytosanitary status and sowing quality. The phytosanitary state of spring wheat seeds in the conditions of the Pavlodar region was determined. A total of 22 varieties of spring wheat were analyzed. The sowing characteristics of spring wheat seeds of different varieties were determined and varietal differences affecting the sowing qualities of seeds were revealed. Phytosanitary results of seeds of grain varieties are presented to determine the composition and level of contamination of seeds. The results of the study revealed a high level of infection of spring wheat seeds with root rot pathogens: Bipolaris sorokiniana, such fungi as Alternaria spp., Fusarium spp. and the pathogens of spring wheat bacteriosis prevailed on the studied samples. The role of hydrothermal conditions in the invasion of seeds by plant pathogens was determined.