Prospects of cultivation and production of fireweed in the north-east of Kazakhstan
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fireweed, ivan-tea, Chamaenerion Seg., agrotechnics, phyto-teaAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the prospects of fireweed cultivation and production in the northeast of Kazakhstan. Based on the analysis of literary sources, got data on the chemical composition of fireweed, which has a rich chemical composition and excellent taste and aromatic properties. A wide range of useful properties of fireweed finds its application in food technology. The article describes the morphological, biological, and ecological characteristics of the local populations of fireweed. The results of introducing fireweed, to study the effective methods of summer and autumn sowing and planting in the conditions of the Zhelezinskii district of the Pavlodar region, are presented. The features of phenology and morphology of plants, depending on the timing and methods of sowing and planting, were studied. Based on the results of the research revealed the optimal methods of agrotechnics of growing fireweed in the northeast of Kazakhstan. Adapted to local conditions, technologies of harvesting and processing plant raw materials in Phyto tea were proposed. Based on the analysis of productivity of natural populations of fireweed, the effectiveness of its introduction into the culture and market conditions the economic prospects of production of Ivan tea based on local wild and cultivated plant raw materials.