Сurrent state and seasonal changes in the ornitofauna composition of Turkestan

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  • T.S. Sraiyl Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • B. Ieszhanov Al-Farabi Kazakh National University




urban avifauna, Turkestan city, biodiversity, transformation, urban landscape, seasonal change


The article presents on observations made in the period from 2019 to 2021 and contains research materials on the distribution and seasonal changes of the avifauna of the city of Turkestan. The main research method is route and 5-minute boundary control. As a result of the study, it was found that 70 species of birds belonging to 11 orders live in various landscape areas of the city of Turkestan. Among them 5 species of Columbiformеs, 45 species of Passeriformes, 6 species of Falconiformes, 2 types of Ciconiiformess, 2 species of Caprimulgiformes, 2 species of Strigiformes, 2 species of Piciformes, 1 species of Cuculiformes, 2 types of Apodiformes and 2 species of Galliformes. The variety of birds varies by season. 14 species were recorded in winter, 51-in spring, 63-in summer and 39-in autumn. The location of birds on the territory also varies depending on the season. Insectivorous (51.0 %) and granivores (43.0 %) birds occupy the leading positions in the main component of the food composition. The most extensive spectrum is found on the territory of park areas: up to 20 species have been recorded there. The avifauna of open spaces and multi-storey structures is poor, there are 9 species and 5 of them nest. In the course of determining the number of birds in the city, several dominant species were identified. These are: A Pica pica from the family of Corvidae, а сorvus corone, a Passer domesticus from the family of Passeridae.



How to Cite

Sraiyl Т., & Ieszhanov Б. (2025). Сurrent state and seasonal changes in the ornitofauna composition of Turkestan. BULLETIN of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. BIOSCIENCE Series, 134(1), 30–37. https://doi.org/10.32523/2616-7034-2021-134-1-30-37


