Floral composition of the botanical natural monument “Kamenny lake tract” (Kostanay region)

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  • G.J. Sultangazina A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University
  • А.N. Kuprijanov Kuzbass Botanical Garden Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry SB RAS


Kostanay region, natural monument “Kamenny Lake tract”, flora, rare and endangered plants


There are 15 specially protected natural areas in the Kostanay region. The total area: more than 818 ha. The state natural monument of local importance ‘Kamenny Lake tract’ floristic diversity was studied. Floristic studies were carried out by the route method in 2019–2022. The research task was to study the natural monument floristic composition, identify rare and endangered plants of the Kazakhstani Red Book. During the floristic study, five main ecotopes were identified: shrub thickets on slopes, birch forest on steep slopes, upland meadows with shrub thickets, meadow-marsh communities on coasts, and meadow-steppe communities. Protected natural area flora summary was compiled: for each species the habitat within the protected areas is indicated. In a small area (2.5 ha), 177 species of higher plants belonging to 132 genera and 48 families were found. Higher spore plants are represented by 6 species: Equisetum arvense L., E.Hyemale L., E.pratense Ehrh., Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roth., Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh., Matteuccia struthiopteris (L.) Tod, gymnosperm - Ephedra Distachia L., angiosperms: 171 species belonging to 44 families. Among them, Asteraceae - 31 species (18%), Rosaceae - 20 species (11.2%), Poaceae - 17 species (10%), Fabaceae - 10 species (6.0%), Lamiaceae - 9 species (5.1%), Caryophyllaceae - 8 species (5.0%). Three species (Adonis wolgensis, Stipa pennata and Tulipa biebersteiniana) are in the Kazakhstan Red Book (2014). The state of rare and endangered species populations is satisfactory.




How to Cite

Sultangazina, G., & Kuprijanov А. (2023). Floral composition of the botanical natural monument “Kamenny lake tract” (Kostanay region). BULLETIN of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. BIOSCIENCE Series, 145(4), 63–70. Retrieved from https://bulbio.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/324


